Media Bias

I don't know why people think there is bias at google. A simple look at the search results from Google, Bing, and Duck-Duck-Go centering around the Arizona governor's race shows plainly that there is no bias whatsoever. This is clearly not bias, Google is simply actively campaigning for Ms Hobbs. After all Kari lake is “dangerous”, so Google needs to make sure that the vast majority of it's search results either trash the evil Ms Lake or promote the glorious Ms Hobbs. If you don't agree you should really just shut your damn mouth. It's OK to mistreat people we don't like.


The google search for “Kari Lake” was just stunning. The vast majority of the google search results are not even about her, the first picture is a tiny thumbnail of her, and the rest are of either Ms Hobbs, or Ms Cheney. All of the results try to trash her. At least Bing has a variety of results. Duck-duck-go is a search aggregator for the most part.

The gubernatorial search result is more an indictment of the overall media bias, the sheer volume of anti-Lake, pro-Hobbs in the mainstream media is stunning. Who gives a flying crap about what some useless congresswoman from another state, who just lost her job because the people there don't want her any more, thinks about the people running in this state?

Kari, … You go girl, I am not afraid to speak up and neither should anyone else be.

2022-10-28 14:19 · ksadmin · 0 Comments · 0 Linkbacks

Suppressing The Vote

I find it stunning that anyone would have a problem showing an ID of some sort to vote. Frankly I think we (as in the various municipalities that control voting) should force people to re-register / confirm every 4-8 years. People are constantly moving around these days, and automatic dis-enrollment is frankly not enough. Voting is a privilege you should be very careful with. Most politics are really local, and as a member and officer of various community organizations in the past, I've noted the apathy of people who don't want to participate in community governance until something is not to their liking. If you are so apathetic that you can't take an hour to figure out how to vote, and then follow through with what you need to do to make it happen; you probably should not be voting in the first place. Frankly it's too easy to register and vote and you should have to show ID and proof of residency periodically to exercise that right. If that's too much trouble, or you are too stupid to figure it out, then you shouldn't be voting.

2022-09-22 14:54 · ksadmin · 0 Comments · 0 Linkbacks

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